Moonshot Goal 3
「Realization of AI robots that autonomously learn, adapt to their environment, evolve in intelligence and act alongside human beings, by 2050.」


Project title
Adaptable AI-enabled Robots to Create a Vibrant Society
Yasuhisa Hirata image
Project Manager

Hirata Yasuhisa

Professor, Graduate School of Engineering
This project aims to create a collective of adaptable AI-enabled robots available at a variety of places. Each robot will be usable by anyone at any time, and will adjust its form and functions according to the individual user to provide optimal assistance and services. By 2050 the co-existence and co-evolution of a wide variety of robots and people will create a vibrant society in which all people can participate.

Project Summary

01. R&D of AI for human-robot coevolution
The aim of this R&D is to find out a mechanism of change in self-efficacy, feelings like “I may be able to do it” or “I will try it.” Along with this approach, we set appropriate goals for improving self-efficacy and design behaviors of a collective AI enabled robots.

02. R&D of adaptable AI-enabled robots
The aim of this R&D is to develop and build adaptable AI-enabled robots that optimizes their shapes and forms according to users’ conditions including physique, disability, physical ability. By detecting human’s conditions to provide necessary and sufficient assistance, the boundary between assistance and independence is eliminated, and the user are encouraged to act independently.

03.Social implementation of a collective of coevolution AI robots
The aim of this R&D is to find out a mechanism of change in self-efficacy, feelings like “I may be able to do it” or “I will try it.” Along with this approach, we set appropriate goals for improving self-efficacy and design behaviors of a collective AI enabled robots.


Homepage of the research project

Hirata Project Homepage

Related sites

Hirata Laboratory
JST Moonshot
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For inquiries about this project

in preparation