Learn more about the examination and admission process.
Way to TU-BME at a Glance
1. Find laboratory
Find researches and laboratories you are interested in by browsing web site of our graduate school.
2. Contact with Principle Investigator
Once you find a lab you are interested in, contact your future supervisor. Choosing a lab is a lot like getting married. It is very important to be compatible with your supervisor for the next few years in your research life. Choose your supervisor seriously.
3. Select programs and courses
Do you want to apply for a master’s program (first two years of doctoral program)? Or a Ph.D. program (3 years of doctoral studies)? At present, the Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering offers three courses (Basic Biomedical Engineering, Applied Biomedical Engineering, and Medical Device Course). Which course do you want to take? Information in detail.
募集要項は研究科ウェブサイトからダウンロードできます。出願書類は郵送で請求するか、大学を訪問して取得してください。詳しくは教務係(bme-kyom[at]grp.tohoku.ac.jp, [at]を@に置き換えください)にお問い合わせください。
4. Get guidelines and application forms
Application forms can be downloaded from the Graduate School website. You can request an application form by post or visit the university to obtain one. For more information, please contact the Graduate Academic Affairs Section (bme-kyom[at]grp.tohoku.ac.jp, Replace [at] with @).
5. Check eligibility
There are 10 requirements for eligibility in the application guidelines. Make sure you know which one you are eligible for. In some conditions, we will review your application for eligibility.
6. Pass entrance exams
You can find a scope of the exam and a list of questions from the last two years on the Graduate School website.
7. Obtain a student visa
The International Support Office provides information on how to obtain a student visa.
8. Scholarships
It would be a tragic mistake if your part-time job reduces your research time. Why do you want to come to Japan to study? Try to get a scholarship if possible so that you can live without working part-time in Japan. Tohoku University Global Learning Center provides useful information on financial aid