月別: 2021年2月

ファウザン・アッロフィクィさん Fauzan Arrofiqi

ファウザン・アッロフィクィさん Fauzan Arrofiqi


Doctoral course (FY2020): Neural Electronic Engineering

私の名前はファウザン・アッロフィクィです。私は1987年にインドネシアのマドゥーラ島にあるパメカサン県の都市の一つに生まれました。私は、2012年と2015年に、インドネシアのスラバヤ市にあるInstitut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember(ITS)、から電気工学のB.E.とM.E.の学位を取得しました。2016年初頭には、ITSの医工学学科に教務・研究スタッフとして参加しました。そして、2019年10月に、東北大学の博士課程の学生として受け入れられました。

My name is Fauzan arrofiqi. I was born in the city of Pamekasan (1987), one of the regency cities in Indonesia, which is located on the island of Madura. I received B.E and M.E degrees in Electrical Engineering from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Surabaya, Indonesia, in 2012 and 2015, respectively. In early 2016, I joined the Department of Biomedical Engineering, ITS, as a teaching and research staff. Furthermore, in October, 2019, I was accepted as a PhD student at Tohoku University.


I found out about Tohoku University Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering from my Supervisor, while I was studying for my master degree. He also graduated from Tohoku University. He told about the university and the research fields there. I was interested in continuing my doctoral studies at the university after getting a lot of information from him. And he also recommended it because Tohoku University has a laboratory whose research is in line with the research I want to do for my doctoral study.


My research interests include human movement restoration by FES, modeling of the musculoskeletal system, human-machine interface, and development of wearable sensor systems. Currently, I am developing a rehabilitation strategy for restoring movement in post-stroke paralyzed patients. One strategy is to develop a control method for controlling movement of the upper / lower limbs of paralyzed patients using FES. The proper control method will provide a more effective and efficient movement restoration process.


The field of biomedical engineering is multidisciplinary which requires researchers to be involved in all of these fields and I think the integration of all these fields is the key to success and will be a characteristic of an institution. So far, Tohoku University Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering has demonstrated the strength of this integration and I hope that in the future it can be improved.

古澤直也さん Naoya Furusawa

古澤直也さん Naoya Furusawa


Graduated at FY2018: Medical Ultrasound


I was born in Hokuto City, Yamanashi Prefecture. I entered the Department of Information and Intelligent Systems at Tohoku University in April 2013 and the Tohoku University Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering in April 2017. During my undergraduate years, I spent his days playing squash in a club. Currently I’m working for a medical device manufacturer.


There are not many graduate schools in Japan where you can study the interdisciplinary fields of medicine and engineering from both perspectives. As I wanted to be involved in the development of medical devices in the future, I chose to study at the Tohoku University Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering, which has a particularly long history in this field.


I was conducting basic research to identify valid diagnostic conditions for diagnosing cardiac disease with ultrasound. As the number of cardiac disease cases is increasing worldwide, there is a need to establish diagnostic methods. Since the heart is moving at high speed, diagnosis by ultrasound could be more suitable than MRI or X-ray CT because of its superior temporal resolution. However, simply increasing the speed sacrifices the size of the diagnostic area and the accuracy of the measurements. The objective was to find the appropriate conditions for diagnosis of cardiac diseases without sacrificing these as much as possible.


As features of the Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering, first, I point out that I was able to have in-depth experiences that are not available in other graduate schools. I had the impression that there were many opportunities in the classes for practical learning based on experience, not just classroom learning. I found it stimulating to have many opportunities to work with my hands, think with my head, and discuss in my own words. Secondly, the high level of motivation of the students. Although the number of students was not large, there was a high density of students who were interested in medical engineering, and there were opportunities for friendly competition.

鈴木大地さん Daichi Suzuki

鈴木大地さん Daichi Suzuki


Graduated at FY2017: Integrated Biomedical Simulation

福島県福島市出身、学部は東北大学 工学部 機械知能航空工学科に在籍し、博士課程においては、東北大学大学院 医工学研究科 融合計算医工学研究分野に在籍しておりました。現在は、愛知県瀬戸市にある朝日インテック株式会社において、脳血管カテーテル手術に用いられるカテーテルの開発業務に従事しております。

I was born in Fukushima City, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan, and enrolled in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, School of Engineering, Tohoku University as an undergraduate, and in the Laboratory of Integrated Biomedical Simulation, Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering, Tohoku University as a doctoral student. Currently, I am engaged in the development of catheters for cerebrovascular catheterization at Asahi Intec Corporation in Seto City, Aichi Prefecture.


When I was a high school student, I wanted to become a veterinarian, so I was originally interested in the mechanisms of the body and medicine. I gave up becoming a veterinarian and went on to study engineering, but I was not as interested in cars, airplanes, and robots as my friends around me. However, when I found out about the Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering, I thought that I would be able to study something that would be useful in the diagnosis and treatment of the human body, so I decided to enter the Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering.


Under the supervision of Professor Hayase in the Laboratory of Integrated Biomedical Simulation, I was conducting research on hemodynamic parameters that can identify the wall properties of cerebral aneurysms. To explain briefly, we analyzed the information of blood flow in the aneurysm by computer fluid dynamics to identify the index that can predict the growth of the aneurysm. By examining the correlation between the calculation results and the actual vessel wall properties, we studied the relationship between the vessel wall and hemodynamics.


The most significant features of the program are that we can take biological lectures, which are difficult to learn in the mechanical field, and interact with professors and students from other fields (mainly medical science). Looking back from my current job involved in medical device development, I realize that I had experiences that I would rarely have had as well as human networks that would have been difficult to build, once I had left the university. I believe that the program has given the opportunity to acquire a great asset for those who want to be involved in the medical field in the future.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira 
2020 Tohoku University Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering