An important point is “how to make the interaction between engineering and medicine closer,” meaning that medical engineering exists. In addition, I’d like to propose increasing the exchange within the Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering and creating a system to improve the interaction between various engineering and medical departments within the university. Since Tohoku University has so many research resources, it would be great to revitalize Tohoku University as a whole by creating a “system” for active exchange.
There are small islands such as mechanical, electrical, chemical, material, architectural /civil engineering in the engineering field, which form an archipelago. Since specialized education is conducted in units of the island, students become residents in each isle after four years. Their language, way of thinking, and methods of looking at things become different from each other. A large island of medicine is further away from the engineering islands. At present, unfortunately, there is no island of biomedical engineering, and we are still in the process of building a bridge between the small engineering islands and the large medicine island to promote exchange.
The Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering was established in Tohoku University in 2008. However, there is still not enough exchange between the two institutions regarding laboratories. I think it is necessary to deepen the systematic mutual exchange. For example, two medical doctors from internal medicine in my laboratory have been visiting professors since 2021. Since they have been attending our laboratory seminars, the students are very stimulated because they discuss from a medical point of view, which is different from our way of thinking. The atmosphere of the seminar has changed a lot. It is crucial to build many bridges between medicine and engineering and fully enter these fields.
The word “human resource development” is frequently used in the world. But I feel these words have an economy-centered ring, i.e., a demand from the government and corporations that young people develop the ability to make money to support the country and themselves. Indeed, Japan’s population will continue to age, and there is a need to reduce medical costs. On the other hand, imports of medical equipment and pharmaceuticals are excessive in Japan. However, young people are not “materials” or “goods” for society; they are human beings. I would like to suggest young people study hard, devote themselves to research to the point of falling in love with it, and develop problem-solving and problem-finding (setting) skills and spirit to “enrich their own lives” in the future. It is my sincere hope that after you graduate or complete your studies and enter the workforce, you will take advantage of the Japanese people’s earnestness, fastidiousness, and tradition of precision manufacturing and that you will seek out and reach the summits of several unexplored peaks, leading a fulfilling and prosperous life. As a result, it would be even better if you could contribute. I look forward to your bright future.