ファウザン・アッロフィクィさん Fauzan Arrofiqi
Doctoral course (FY2020): Neural Electronic Engineering
私の名前はファウザン・アッロフィクィです。私は1987年にインドネシアのマドゥーラ島にあるパメカサン県の都市の一つに生まれました。私は、2012年と2015年に、インドネシアのスラバヤ市にあるInstitut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember(ITS)、から電気工学のB.E.とM.E.の学位を取得しました。2016年初頭には、ITSの医工学学科に教務・研究スタッフとして参加しました。そして、2019年10月に、東北大学の博士課程の学生として受け入れられました。
My name is Fauzan arrofiqi. I was born in the city of Pamekasan (1987), one of the regency cities in Indonesia, which is located on the island of Madura. I received B.E and M.E degrees in Electrical Engineering from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Surabaya, Indonesia, in 2012 and 2015, respectively. In early 2016, I joined the Department of Biomedical Engineering, ITS, as a teaching and research staff. Furthermore, in October, 2019, I was accepted as a PhD student at Tohoku University.
I found out about Tohoku University Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering from my Supervisor, while I was studying for my master degree. He also graduated from Tohoku University. He told about the university and the research fields there. I was interested in continuing my doctoral studies at the university after getting a lot of information from him. And he also recommended it because Tohoku University has a laboratory whose research is in line with the research I want to do for my doctoral study.
My research interests include human movement restoration by FES, modeling of the musculoskeletal system, human-machine interface, and development of wearable sensor systems. Currently, I am developing a rehabilitation strategy for restoring movement in post-stroke paralyzed patients. One strategy is to develop a control method for controlling movement of the upper / lower limbs of paralyzed patients using FES. The proper control method will provide a more effective and efficient movement restoration process.
The field of biomedical engineering is multidisciplinary which requires researchers to be involved in all of these fields and I think the integration of all these fields is the key to success and will be a characteristic of an institution. So far, Tohoku University Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering has demonstrated the strength of this integration and I hope that in the future it can be improved.