厨川常元教授 Prof. Tsunemoto Kuriyagawa


I believe that the ultimate in manufacturing, including medical engineering, is customer service. In medical engineering, the customer is the medical professional, and ultimately the patient, isn’t it? The most important thing is recognizing what kind of service the medical profession wants and developing the devices and tools to realize it from a backcasting perspective. It’s not just about the hardware; it’s also about the combination of software, and we have to recognize what kind of service it will eventually become. Our mission will be to create products that are easy and desirable for the people on-site to use. Ultimately, I want to find a solution to Japan’s excessive imports of medical devices. We need manufacturing, materials, software, and information processing technology, and I want to do it all at Tohoku University. Of course, we should include an ethical perspective from the humanities.

Posted in BME
Theme: Overlay by Kaira 
2020 Tohoku University Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering